Veronica 18th March 2016

Ang was quite simply the best friend I ever had and she looked after me like a mum would. I cannot begin to list the things she did for me throughout my life. She was so generous with her time, her resources, her love and her advice. She was a beautiful person who really knew how to reach out to people and bring out the best in others. I miss her more than I can express but always snap out of it when I think about the kids who need us more than ever. I am angry at the disease, nothing or no one else. Anyway, I have been thinking about Angela's 'loves' and 'loathes'. It's actually a very therapeutic process so I thought I would share my memories with you as they might make you laugh (it says a lot about a person when you can remember loads of their 'loves' but not many of their 'loathes'. Glass half full and all that)...... Loves : Bertie boots, Glitter, Chippy Chips, Coca Cola, Spontaneity, David Bowie, Andy!! Her kids!! laughing, 'Little Women', Dirty Dancing, red poison perfume, sending 2 cards to people on their birthday, Ferrero rocher, musicals, a perfectly organised knicker draw, a good wedding, pink alcohol, swimming, the sea, home made chicken kebabs, cheese and onion pies, paddys day, cheesy music, Jeremy Corbyn, dolphins, driving, Doc Martin, dancing, singing, being self employed, Rhymetime, dry roasted peanuts.................. Loathes: Baked beans, spittle and scum on toothbrushes, bathroom mats, b0ard games with missing bits, rudeness, bad manners, lazy parenting, competitive parenting, most vegetables, hangovers, being line managed, the Tories, cheap clothes and jewellery, cold swimming pools, messy cupboards, bitchiness...... The list goes on. I'm sure I will be adding to this over time as it will help me to remember things about Ang that I can later share with the boys. The real things that they will love to know about her......I wish it weren't the case but its important to keep her memory alive so they get to know her later in life. I love you Ang. No more, no less xxxxx